Thanks to everyone who has read Jesus Likes You and had so many kind things to say. I especially appreciate those who have purchased copies for friends and family. I’m very blessed by your response to the book. Today’s mid-week meditation is a chapter from Jesus Likes You: Fifty Words for Stronger Faith. The word for this chapter is STRENGTH! I hope you enjoy it!
I ’m going to guess that some of the people reading this are experiencing weariness. Life can be really hard on our hearts, and over a period of time, we can become weary with care and stress. When that happens, we’re not at our best, and it makes it hard for us to love and bless others. Luis Palau said, “When you face the perils of weariness, carelessness, and confusion, don’t pray for an easier life. Pray instead to be a stronger man or woman of God.” When I think of Strength, one thing I think about is the power of an eagle.
The Bald Eagle is a majestic bird, easily recognizable. Though they were once endangered, conservation efforts have helped them make a turnaround. Did you know it’s illegal to pick a Bald Eagle feather up without a permit? It’s an old law that hasn’t been changed since the Bald Eagles were endangered. These birds are strong. Their grip is up to 10 times stronger than humans. You don’t want to get in a fight with an eagle! Their eyesight is up to 8 times stronger than humans. The largest eagles have a wingspan of eight feet long. They can live between 20 and 30 years in the wild.
It’s no wonder that, when Isaiah wanted to write a word of encouragement, he reminded the weary and weak, those who stumble and fall, that...
... They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31
In a time of weariness, can you remember to put your hope in the Lord? Isn’t it encouraging to know that, when you have no more strength, God is strong enough to carry you? He can help you run and not grow weary! There’s a renewal of strength that comes when we put all our hope in Him.
How do we put our hope in the Lord? We believe Him when He says he can renew our strength. We can ask him, in prayer, for strength like eagles. We can remember the greatest demonstration of love, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for us. From his strength came the resurrection! That’s the kind of power He has to help you overcome your weariness. On wings like eagles!
Thanks for reading today! I look forward to sharing some things with you in the Sunday Night Check-In! I have two other Substacks that might interest you.
You know what my situation is. I ask God that the change I know will come, will happen in the right way and right time. For grace to get to that time.