Below is a free chapter from my book Jesus Likes You. It tells the origin of the title and it is the subject of this chapter. Some assorted quotes and recommendations and a link to purchase the book are located at the end of the post (or HERE). Thanks for reading! - John
C H A P T E R 4 3
I contemplate what it means to love someone and realize there might be a difference in liking and loving. If love is an action, we can act in loving ways toward others without necessarily liking them. If you have ever served someone who wasn’t grateful, then you know what I mean.
Many years ago, when I served the Central Church of Christ in Pascagoula, Mississippi, we always had a display booth at the Jackson County Fair. We gave away Bibles and booklets of information. We hoped to have conversations with people and encourage them to consider visiting our church. One of those years, I had some hats and t-shirts printed up that caused some controversy among some. They were fairly plain. Black shirts with white block letters that said:
Some of the conversations about that saying were pretty animated! One lady quoted John 3:16 to me and said we were wrong - Jesus doesn’t LIKE us, He LOVES us. Even after some conversation, she didn’t back down, either!
Many people noted the unfamiliar verse, John 3:17. Nobody could quote that one. So, I encouraged them to take a free t-shirt or hat and look it up later. Do you know what itsays?
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world mightbe saved through him. - John 3:17
I admit that it doesn’t have the words, “Jesus Likes You,” but when I read that verse, I feel that Jesus doesn’t just love me, he likes me.
We use the word “love” so flippantly today. We love tacos. We love a song. We love a television show. We love everything or hate everything.
The love of Jesus is much deeper than any of that. John3:17 defines what that love looks like. It is a desire to lift up and not destroy. An attitude of acceptance and not rejection. Jesus likes you.
How many people do you genuinely like? Jesus looked at us always falling short, struggling to live a holy life, wrapped up in failure, or thinking too highly of ourselves. Humanity is a mess. Jesus says, “I don’t want to condemn them, I like them. I want to save them.”
Well, whatever you think of our slogan at the county fair, it did stir up some conversations and provoke some interest. That’s what it was designed to do. And I am truly grateful when people become interested in the greatest friend they’ve ever had. He loves you, and he likes you, too.
QUOTES from Jesus Likes You…


I’m very thankful for the kind words given toward my first book. Thank you all! I hope it is a blessing to everyone who decides to read it!
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