One man was so full of Satan that he had super human strength. He was subject to the demons living within him. He cut himself. He threw himself into the fire. Physically bruised, cut, and battered, he was a gruesome sight to see. He was a terror to the citizens around him. He was a terror to himself.
One man was heartbroken because the most precious thing in the world was being taken from him - his beautiful daughter. He would give his life for hers, but this was not possible. He and his wife held each other, weeping, breathless, hopeless. She was dying right before their eyes.
One woman had been so sick for so long, there was nothing else to do. She had spent all of her money on doctors, witch-doctors, psychics, creams, pills, patches and ointments. Still she bled. Nothing would stop it. She was ashamed of her bleeding and weak with anemia. No one could do anything to stop the flow.
Desperate people. No where else to turn. No man could offer them anything that they hadn’t already tried. They were not just out of ideas, they had eliminated all possibilities. They suffered much, prayed until they were dry of prayers, and found trust dwindling as hope vanished.
And then He walked onto the scene. Not a super hero with a red cape or spider-web-slinging abilities. Not a muscled up bruiser. Not a genius detective. Not a master surgeon. Not a quick-drawing cowboy with a six shooter. The Carpenter walked into their lives, able to repair and rebuild their brokenness.
Mark chapter 5 is the chapter of the desperate. Only the desperate were truly drawn to Him. He was the last resort. He remains the last resort. When you have come to the end of your own strength, watch for Him to come near. When your sin has bruised your heart and beaten your soul, listen for the fall of his footsteps in the Galilean sand. When you’ve been rejected and betrayed, smell the flora of the Garden as His knees meet the earth that would swallow his body in a matter of hours. When your words are met with derision and scoffing, taste the vinegar and wine that he rejected on the cross. When death seems near, touch the wounds of the risen Christ and trust Him to walk with you.
Father, help us to never be far away from our desperation, for it drives us to your blessed Son. Remind us of our weakness when we become self-sufficient. Give us humility when our pride lifts us above the others. Rid us of fear, when we know we are at the end of all that we can do, and we must truly depend on You. Amen.
The Foundation of Following Jesus
Thanks for reading Hope Remains! Watch for the Sunday Night Check-In coming Sunday evening.
I really appreciated this one, John. Those situations are so real as is His rescue. Thanks.